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Mongo the Destroyer

My baby is huge.

Every time I go to playgroup, I am reminded that my baby is huge.

Every time some stranger asks how old he is, then gives me that eye-bugging look when I tell them, I know that he's a big boy.

We had to acquire new jammies (my mother in law bought some--Gammy Jammies) in a size 18 month. He'll be 8 months tomorrow.

Giant boy.

Most of it is height. He's in normal territory for weight. He's off the charts in height, so all this one piece stuff is sized up.

I think of him as a sweet tiny little boy, because he's my first and he is the baby standard I've learned. But, he's giant. He's as big as the one year olds at the park. He's got giant hands and giant feet; if he were a dog, we'd all be talking about how enormous he'll have to get to grow into his paws.

Supposedly, breastfed babies grow much faster at first. His growth rate is supposed to slow down dramatically after 6 months. So, maybe that's it. We'll see.