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Standing in the Way of Control

I feel vaguely out of control recently. Like things are slipping past me, and I just can't keep up. I'm 99% sure that it's not really a case of me dropping the ball, so much as it's a case of me being a neurotic weirdo.

The baby is clean. More or less. The house is clean. More or less. I am showered. The cats are fed. The bills are paid.

What is my issue?

I took a look at Fly Lady a few days back. Now, I'm not drowning in squalor by a long shot. Hell, I've got a baby and I still manage to cook every night and sew and work and find new music. But, still, I feel this need to contain it all. I want a checklist. I want a routine. I want, I dunno... to be a scary Martha Stewart Robotic Control Freak, or something

And, that just can't be healthy, right?

I'm a big believer in the notion that we can only control ourselves--I'm big on not nagging or manipulating, letting people be, not worrying that things are done my way as long as they just get done. But, apparently the control issue is sneaking up on me.

I need to just relax.